Sunday, June 23, 2013

I broke it already?

If I can't use it to take photos,
 at least I can take photos in it
As soon as I left Google, I happily wore my Glass all the way to my car. All the fuss about Glass "being banned while driving" tempted me to rebel and rock the device while driving.

So I did.

While in park, I gave the command "OK glass: Record a video. Extend." Then began narrating and rambling on about how it wasn't distracting and actually better alternative to cell phones. I did the tour guide thing too. "This is Venice Beach, as you can see its pretty cool to be able to show viewers my POV."

Once I was done playing tour guide to a non-existent audience, I thought I'd charge the battery on my drive home into my Android's charger. As soon as I did that I realized some coding and an updating symbol came up.

Uh-oh. Maybe I'm not suppose to use a car charger? Oh sh*t, what if I broke it already??

Driving and troubleshooting Glass isn't conducive to one's full attention--it wasn't responding to my gestures and the coding symbols looked like an error, so naturally I thought to reboot the device the way Anngie showed me: "Hold the power button for 15 seconds if it ever get buggy."

Why won't you work!!
Bad mistake.

I got home, plugged it into a wall power source and crossed my fingers.....Nope. The Glass screen looked like the movie theater screen right before they play the previews, a lit screen but no video actually being projected.

Time to call Google.

I called Google, explained the problem and they said they didn't know what was wrong either. The technician called me back later that day and said I'd have to return to the campus to exchange my device.

Yes, I get to go to Google again! Wooooo. Booo, that means all my videos didn't load. 

Today, I went to Google to exchange my device. My Glass guide Frank was really nice and assured me it wasn't my fault.  Turns out that coding and updating symbol were actually the OS going from XE4 to XE6, via the bluetooth internet connection. What we think happened was as soon as it was hooked up to a power source, the device went into update mode. When I rebooted it, I stopped that whole process and then the device just became unresponsive. It never "unpacked" the updated software and there was nothing I could do to wake it up.

Needless to say, I haven't had much time to play with the device but when I do, I'll be sure to write about my experiences here. :)

Happy Sunday everyone.
Second time's a charm?


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